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Ban on disembarking on the Aeolian Islands with cars, motorbikes and mopeds (decree 2024)

It is forbidden to take the ferry to the Aeolian Islands with a motor vehicle in tow - between May and October for the islands of Lipari, Stromboli, Vulcano, Panarea, Alicudi and Filicudi; for Salina from 15 June to 15 September - due to the decree limiting the influx and circulation of non-resident cars and motorbikes.

Every year, in summer, non-residents with cars, motorbikes and mopeds are prohibited from landing on the Aeolian Islands.

It is therefore not possible to board ferries to the Aeolian archipelago with a vehicle during the tourist season if you do not reside in the island municipality.

Below we see the ministerial decree in detail, with the prohibitions, the precise dates in which it applies year by year for each individual island, the exceptions and the sanctions provided.

Limitation on the influx of motor vehicles for the year 2024 on the Aeolian Islands


Having seen the art. 8 of the legislative decree 30 April 1992, n. 285, concerning limitations on influx and road circulation in small islands where declared municipalities of residence or care are located;
Considering that pursuant to the aforementioned article, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, after having consulted the regions and municipalities concerned, has the power to prohibit, during the months of most intense tourist movement, the influx and circulation of vehicles belonging to people not belonging to the stable population;
Given the resolution of the municipal council of Lipari (ME) of 30 January 2024, n. 15;
Having seen the protocol note. n. 19339 of 22 February 2024 and the subsequent integration note prot. n. 22293 of 29 February 2024 with which the Territorial Office of the Government of Messina expresses its opinion on the issuing of the decree;
Given the favorable opinion expressed by the Sicilian Region communicated with Presidency note no. 10664 of 9 April 2024;
Considered appropriate to adopt the requested measure restricting road traffic for the reasons expressed in the aforementioned documents;

decrees the following.


The influx and circulation on the Aeolian Islands of the Municipality of Lipari of motor vehicles belonging to people who are not permanently resident in the islands of the Municipality itself are prohibited, according to the
following calendar:
a) Lipari: from 1 June to 30 September 2024;
b) Alicudi: from 1 June to 31 October 2024;
c) Filicudi: from 1 June to 30 September 2024;
d) Panarea: from 1 May to 31 October 2024;
e) Stromboli: from 1 May to 31 October 2024;
f) Vulcano: from 1 June to 30 September 2024.

Disembarking ban on the island of Salina


In the periods referred to in art. 1, for the islands of Alicudi, Panarea and Stromboli, the following exemptions are granted:
a) to vehicles used for the transport of goods for the supply of commercial establishments with the obligation to park in the appropriate stalls in the port area for the unloading of goods;
b) for the islands of Panarea and Stromboli only, to electric motorcycles and mopeds belonging to homeowners who, although not residents, are registered in the municipal registers of the tax for the disposal of solid urban waste of the Municipality of Lipari for the year 2024, limited to only one of the aforementioned vehicles per family unit;
c) to vehicles for the transport of artists and equipment for occasional entertainment performances, conferences and cultural events. The permit will be granted by the municipality, from time to time, according to needs;
d) ambulances and law enforcement vehicles.

In the periods referred to in art. 1, for the islands of Lipari and Vulcano, the following exemptions are granted:
a) to vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles belonging to owners of homes located outside the urban perimeter who, despite not being residents, are registered in the municipal registers of the tax for the disposal of solid urban waste for the current year, limited to only one vehicle per household. This registration must be demonstrated exclusively with a certificate issued by the municipality in duplicate, one of which must be retained by the agency that issues the boarding pass and one must
be displayed visibly inside the vehicle;
b) vehicles used for the transport of goods intended solely for activities operating on the Islands of Lipari and Vulcano;

c) to vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles belonging to people who demonstrate that they have a reservation for at least seven days in a hotel, non-hotel facility or private rented house; where such residences are located within the urban perimeter of Lipari and Canneto, the owners
of such vehicles must demonstrate that they have the possibility of private parking with a declaration made pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445 and subsequent amendments, in duplicate, one of which must be retained by the agency that issues the boarding pass and one must be displayed visibly inside the vehicle;
d) to caravans and motorhomes serving individuals who demonstrate that they have reservations for at least seven days in existing campsites, or public or private car parks, where existing, and remain there for the entire period of the stay;
e) to vehicles used for television, cinema or transporting artists and equipment for occasional entertainment performances, conferences and cultural events. This permit will be granted by the municipality, from time to time, according to needs;
f) to ambulances, law enforcement vehicles and hearses.

In the periods referred to in art. 1, for the Island of Filicudi, the following exemptions are granted:
a) to vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles belonging to owners of homes located outside the urban perimeter who, despite not being residents, are registered in the municipal registers of the tax for the disposal of solid urban waste for the current year, limited to only one vehicle per household. This registration must be demonstrated exclusively with a certificate issued by the Municipality in duplicate, one of which must be retained by the agency that issues the boarding pass and one must be displayed visibly inside the vehicle;
b) vehicles used for the transport of goods for the supply of commercial establishments with the obligation to park in the authorized stalls for the unloading of goods;
c) to vehicles used for television, cinema or transporting artists and equipment for occasional entertainment performances, conferences and cultural events. This permit will be granted by the Municipality, from time to time, as necessary;

d) to vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles belonging to people who demonstrate that they have a reservation for at least seven days in a hotel, non-hotel facility or private rented house; where such residences are located within the urban perimeter, the owners of such vehicles must demonstrate that they have the possibility of private parking with a declaration made pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445 and subsequent amendments, in duplicate, one of which must be retained by the agency that issues the boarding pass and one must be displayed visibly inside the vehicle;
e) ambulances and law enforcement vehicles.

Motor vehicles under the care of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology can flow and circulate on the islands of Lipari, Vulcano and Stromboli.

Vehicles carrying people with disabilities can also travel to all islands, provided they have the appropriate mark required by art. 381 of the decree of the President of the Republic 16 December 1992, n. 495 and subsequent amendments and additions, issued by a competent Italian authority or

In order to benefit from the exemptions, it is necessary to make, when issuing the travel document by the shipping company, a specific declaration pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445 and subsequent amendments, which certifies belonging to one of the categories of vehicles indicated in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4. These self-declarations will subsequently be transmitted by the shipping companies to the Municipality of Lipari for checks pursuant to art. 71 of the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445.


The Municipality of Lipari is allowed, for proven, urgent and mandatory needs, to grant further authorizations in derogation of the disembarkation ban referred to in this decree.


Anyone who violates the prohibitions in this decree is punished with the administrative sanction of paying a sum from 430 euros to 1,731 euros as provided for by the art. 8, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree of 30 April 1992, n. 285, with the updates referred to in the decree of the Minister of Justice dated 31 December 2020.


The Prefect of Messina is responsible for the execution and assiduous and systematic supervision of compliance with the prohibitions established with this decree, for the entire period considered.

Rome, 10 April 2024 The Minister: Salvini

Registered at the Court of Auditors on 24 April 2024
Office for the control of acts of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, of the Ministry of Justice and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, n. 1503.

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