The Procession of the Mysteries that takes place in the afternoon of Palm Sunday is that of Montelepre, in Sicily (metropolitan city of Palermo). The origins of this evocative religious event date back to the eighteenth century. Eighty living paintings are executed which recall the history of salvation, from Adam and Eve up to the death of Jesus Christ, along the streets of the historic center of the village.

The municipality of Montelepre is located in the Nocella river valley, in Sicily, at 342 meters above sea level. To reach this town which extends at the foot of Monte d’Oro, one can also opt for the journey with the Livorno – Palermo ferries for those coming from northern Italy or, for those coming from peninsular southern Italy, with the Naples – Palermo, on which route more than one shipping company is active. From the regional capital, to reach your destination you have to travel less than 27 kilometers by road, by car or by bus of the Sicilian Transport Company, which takes an hour.
The Procession of the Mysteries of Salvation in Montelepre (Palermo)
Many of the approximately six thousand inhabitants of Montelepre participate in various capacities in the historic celebration that is held annually during Holy Week (since 2014, precisely on Palm Sunday, while previously it was held on Good Friday): the centuries-old Procession of the Mysteries of Salvation.
The ceremony dates back to the 18th century and it is originally connected to a work by Luigi Sarmiento from 1741, “Report of the Sacred Procession depicted above the life, Passion and Death of Christ our Lord”.
Through the eighty living paintings that reproduce the most significant biblical events, and especially through the last one, “Jesus’ journey to Calvary”, the sacred event is meant to be an incentive to contemplate the history of Christ’s salvation. The tableaux vivants are interpreted by about 400 extras, while spectators also flock from neighboring villages, as it is a more unique than rare event in all of Sicily.
The procession, during the afternoon of Palm Sunday, starts from the Mother Church, that of Maria Santissima del Rosario, and continues along the streets of the historic center, recalling the entire history of salvation, from creation to Calvary passing through the journey . Episodes from both the Old and New Testaments are covered.
The main characters of the Bible are represented with faithfully reproduced clothes and during the journey, which lasts about two hours, all the citizens are involved as well as the many tourists who crowd the small streets of the historic center of the village.
The religious event is organized by the Parish of Maria SS. del Rosario, by the Parish of Santa Rosalia, by the Pro loco and by the Municipality of Montelepre.