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The Gesturi Asparagus Festival in Sardinia

One of the many spring gifts is the Gesturi asparagus festival, on the occasion of which you can taste the tasty wild sprout, as well as nougat and spiced wine, and discover the local beauties.

With the advent of spring, the asparagus festival is organized (annually) in Gesturi, a town in central-southern Sardinia located at the foot of the plateau called the Giara. It is precisely at the end of March that the Asparagus acutifolius, wild and tastier than the cultivated one, sprouts in the nature of Gesturi and it is shared, prepared in various ways, with the participants in the event.

Food and wine itineraries, tastings, a market with exhibitors, exhibitions, a parade with traditional masks, music and dances are planned, with the enchanting village, characterized by centuries-old arches and portals, which transforms into a medieval village where archers and falconers roam and can drink the spiced wine of the time. Excursions to the plateau are also organized to meet the rare Giara ponies and discover the archaeological sites.

To reach this municipality in the sub-region of Marmilla in the province of South Sardinia which is about 68 kilometers from the island’s capital, the Civitavecchia – Cagliari ferries may be convenient for those departing from the north and from the center of the Italian continent, which take 13 or 15 hours to complete the crossing, while the Naples – Cagliari ferries are recommended for those coming from the south and take 13 hours. Once disembarked, you can continue by car or with the buses of the Sardinian Transport Company (ARST).

Festival of the Gesturi wild asparagus


The wild asparagus festival of Gesturi takes place every year at the beginning of spring in this town of just over a thousand inhabitants located in the Province of Southern Sardinia, precisely in the sub-region of Marmilla, which is bordered to the north by a basaltic plateau called “Giara di Gesturi”. The end of March is the period in which the small evergreen plant “Asparagus acutifolius” sprouts spontaneously among the Mediterranean maquis of the area.

The wild asparagus are smaller and thinner, but above all tastier than the cultivated ones, and proliferate around the town, which is located under sa Jara Manna (the Giara in dialect), which was once an active volcano; about 50% of the area belongs to the municipality of Gesturi. The hills and valleys are covered with mastic trees, strawberry trees and cistus, while near the ridge of the plateau there are oak and poplar woods and, higher up, cork oaks.

The cultivation of olive groves and vineyards, still widely practiced today, represents the ancient soul of local agriculture, thanks to which the wine and oil produced are excellent. Large areas are also used for grazing; in fact, among the deep-rooted agro-gastronomic traditions there is also the sheep festival.

Horses of Giara

Even the fauna on the plateau is surprising: the Giara horse is a breed found exclusively in this area and the approximately 500 specimens, which live in freedom, have been declared a protected species.

Furthermore, there are various archaeological remains from the Pre-Nuragic, Nuragic and Punic-Roman periods, among which the mighty protonuraghe Bruncu Madugui stands out, in blocks of basalt, with the nearby village of huts.

Religious buildings abound in the village: there are no less than six churches, demonstrating the strong religiosity of the town which gave birth to the Capuchin friar Nicola da Gesturi. The architectural elements that characterize the houses are also perfectly preserved, with ancient portals, verandas and arches along the narrow streets of the historic centre.

Program of the VII edition (24 March 2024)

The Gesturi Pro Loco with the patronage of the Municipality is pleased to invite you to the VII edition of the Asparagus Festival on Sunday 24 March 2024.

The opening is scheduled for 10:00 am with the various exhibitors and tasting based on asparagus cream, organized by the Pro loco.

At 11:00 there is a traveling show with the “Seuinstreet Band” through the streets of the town.

At 1.00 pm there will be a lunch at the Pro Loco headquarters and in the various refreshment points based on wild asparagus. The menu, at a cost of 15 euros, includes as a first course mezze penne with asparagus and bacon; as a second course, roast sausage; as a side dish, flan or asparagus fritters; bread, dessert and water or wine (lunch info 3403840950).

At 3.00 pm there is the preparation of the nougat as prepared in the past, at the “Su Castagner” stand; tasting for everyone to follow.

Throughout the day, food and wine itineraries, exhibitor market, children’s playground, show cooking (Bioboes project) are planned. There is no shortage of Sardinian music and dance with shows, songs and dances with the multi-instrumentalists “Festajolos” (Massimo Pitzalis, Alessandro Melis, Giancarlo Seu and Matteo Casula in the streets of the town) and the finale at the “Su Castagneri” stand.

The Alessandra Sorcinelli cultural group proposes an artistic exhibition and the presentation of books and expressive emotional readings, with special guests Annamaria Brughitta, Stefania Cuccu, Natascia Muscas and Alessandro Garau.

At 4.00 pm there is a parade through the streets of the town with various choreographies and performances of the typical Ottana masks “Boes and Merdules”, as well as the traveling show with the “Seuinstreet Band”.

At 5.00 pm the group “A Ballare” performs in Piazza Comune.

Live music by “Tieni il tempo” (concert) is scheduled at 8:00 pm.

Excursions to the Giara Park are organized by the Altopiano della Giara Foundation: from 10:00 to 17:00 one excursion every hour, feasible without reservation. The museum, where you can discover the origins of the little horse and the ancient finds of the Protonuraghe Bruncu Maduli, is open from 09:00 to 19:00. The cumulative ticket at 6 euros includes entry and guided tour of the museum and the excursion (info 370 1571 599).

From 09:30 a paid shuttle bus service is available every hour from the town to the Giara plateau.

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Furthermore, at 09:00, on the same day as the event, in the church of San Sebastiano there is the Blessing of the Palms followed by the Holy Mass.

Sixth edition program (March 26, 2023)

The Pro loco, under the patronage of the Municipality, is pleased to invite you to the VI edition of the Festival on Sunday 26 March 2023. At 9:30 there is the opening with the various exhibitors and tasting based on asparagus cream. From 10:00 there will be a demonstration of wool dyeing with an exhibition of Sardinian dyeing herbs and artefacts, curated by Anna del Col.

At 12:30 there is lunch in the Pro loco headquarter and in the various refreshment points based on wild asparagus. At 15:00 the preparation of the nougat is scheduled, as it was done in the past, at the “Su Castagneri” stand and followed by the tasting for all those present.

Food and wine itineraries, exhibitions, a market, a children’s playground, Sardinian music and dances will also be held throughout the day; it is possible to have fun thanks to shows, songs and dances throughout the streets of the town with the multi-instrumentalists Paride Peddio, Alessandro Melis, Matteo Casula, Luca Schirru and Massimo Pitzalis.

The town is transformed into a medieval village with tents, stalls, artisans, exhibitions of spices and soaps, the presentation and tasting of hypocrassus, the spicy medieval wine; you can have fun with bows, arrows and archery with the Archers of the Castle, with the trained falcons of the Falconers and with the musicians.

At 16:30 there is a parade through the streets of the town with various choreographies and performances of the typical Neoneli “Sos Corriolos” masks. At 19:30 there is the concert of the Istentales.

Excursions to the Giara park can be made, both with an environmental excursion guide on 25 or 26 March by reservation on the telephone 3458096459, and without reservation, thanks to the Giara Museum, at 10:30, 11:30, 15:30 and 16:30. Furthermore, every hour there is a shuttle bus service from the village to the Giara plateau.

On the menu of the Pro loco, at a cost of €15, there are mezze maniche with asparagus, bacon and cherry tomatoes as a first course, as a second course pork loin and braised with asparagus and as a side dish green new potatoes with asparagus tips; bread, typical dessert, water or wine are included.

For information and to book lunch and overnight stays, call 3403840950. The local B&Bs Sa Domu de Don Ninnu Spa, Cortis Antigas, Antica Locanda, Borgo Antico XIX century are recommended.

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