Area: Campania

Ferries to Costiera Amalfitana

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Costiera Amalfitana, easily bookable online.

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The ports of Costiera Amalfitana are served by the following companies
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Costiera Amalfitana

For centuries the Amalfi Coast has fascinated travelers and tourists from all over the world. Visiting Amalfi, Positano, Ravello, Cetara, Maiori, Minori, etc., means moving between sunny beaches, narrow coves, citrus groves, cultural events and monuments of great historical value. In short, we immerse ourselves completely in landscape and environmental scenarios unique in the world, not surprisingly protected by UNESCO.

There are many ways to visit the Amalfi Coast: there are those who choose to do it by car, along the Panoramic Road 163; there are those who prefer to move by public transport that connect the different locations together; and finally, there are those who prefer to take advantage of the maritime connections that run shuttles from Amalfi to Positano, Cetara, Maiori and Minori from April to October (also from Salerno).

The latter solution is the most functional during the tourist season: in fact, the fast maritime connections prevent tourists from remaining stationary in the road traffic of the Amalfi Coast, especially on weekends and in the summer months.