Area: Campania

Ferries to Salerno

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Salerno, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Salerno

Check the timetables and book a ferry

The ports of Salerno are served by the following companies
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Despite its proximity to the Amalfi Coast and Cilento, Salerno has long remained out of the tourist flow. However, there has been a comforting change for some time.

It all started with the Christmas lights on the streets of the city. Thanks to the lights and Christmas decorations, the city has become a popular destination, which has made it possible to highlight all the other efforts made to improve livability and services. In this regard, the improvement of maritime connections with the municipalities of the Amalfi Coast should be noted.

Being able to reach Amalfi, Positano, Cetara, Maiori and Minori comfortably by sea, not only has decreased the traffic of the Panoramic Road 163 but has improved the charm of Salerno itself. In fact, more and more tourists choose Salerno as a base during the tourist season and then visit the Amalfi Coast with tranquility.

The advantage is also the greater accessibility of hotel prices without forgetting, of course, the many things to see that are in the city.
