Area: Corsica

Ferries to Ajaccio

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Ajaccio, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Ajaccio

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The ports of Ajaccio are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Ajaccio
Ferries from Ajaccio


The geographical location of Ajaccio was tempting, over the centuries, to many peoples who inhabited its territory. According to tradition, the first nucleus of the current capital of Corsica was founded by the Phocian Greeks, who called it Agathon (="place, good port" ). Passed under the dominion of the Romans, the city changed its name to Adiacium.

After the end of the Roman Empire, Ajaccio was conquered by Vandals and Lombardssubsequently, it ended up in the hands of the Maritime Republic of Pisa and the Genoese.

The latter was responsible for the creation of  the fortified citadel and for having encouraged a hundred families of Lunigiana to move to the Corsican townAmong these, one stands out above all, destined to leave an indelible trace in the great book of history: the Bonapartes

The most illustrious of the exponents of this historic family from Sarzana, Napoleon Bonapartewas born in Ajaccio on 15 August 1769.

Although much of its fame is based on the link with the French general and emperor, the Corsican capital is appreciated by tourists for many other things, and especially for its beachesWe point out, among the most famous, that of Saint FrancoisRicantoBarbicajaMacumbaAnd again: Le Terre SacréeLe GoelandLe Week End etc. 

Two experiences that we suggest you live during your stay in Ajaccio are a boat trip to the Sanguinaires Islands (possibly at sunset) and a visit to the Casinò Municipal, the only one in Corsica.