Area: Puglia

Ferries to Bari

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Bari, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Bari

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The ports of Bari are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Bari
Ferries from Bari


What has already been said about Brindisi applies to Bari . Historically, in fact, the Apulian capital has always been a fundamental commercial and maritime hub with the eastern Mediterranean . As evidence of this bond there is also religious faith: the cult of St. Nicholas unites Catholics and Orthodox and the relics of the saint, housed in the homonymous basilica, are a pilgrimage destination throughout the year. 

In addition to the Basilica of San Nicola , the Cathedral of San Sabino , the Norman-Swabian Castle and the three city theaters are also worth a visit Piccinini ,Margherita and Petruzzelli ; the latter known to the Italian chronicles for an arson that severely damaged the structure in 1991. The Margherita, on the other hand, is located in front of the Porto Vecchio (Molo San Nicola) which, with its daily ritual of buying and selling fish, is one of the most characteristic corners of the city.

The other, of course, is the gut of alleys that draws the historic center, better known with the topos of "Barivecchia"In these alleys, with the houses that give directly on the road, it happens frequently to witness the artisan preparation of orecchiette, a typical pasta shape of the city and very widespread throughout Southern Italy. 

In this flying review on everything that moves in Bari, a mention cannot be made of the historic Fiera del Levante, a multi-sector exhibition event (gift items, for the home, agri-food, telephony, construction, innovation) which as a declared objective has the internationalization of the southern economy with an eye - as the name suggests - to the Middle East.

The fair, whose structure (280,000 square meters) also hosts other events during the year, is based in the Marconi-San Girolamo-Fesca district , not far from the port from which ferries pass daily to Greece , Croatia and Albania. and thecruise ships that stop over in the Mediterranean.