Area: Campania

Ferries to Costiera Sorrentina

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Costiera Sorrentina, easily bookable online.

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The ports of Costiera Sorrentina are served by the following companies
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Costiera Sorrentina

Jagged hills and coasts; narrow alleys and colorful houses; limoncello and gnocchi alla sorrentinaThe list just made is only to remember that the 3 strengths of the Sorrento Coast have always been naturelandscape and gastronomy.

Visiting SorrentoVico EquenseMeta di SorrentoPiano di SorrentoSant'Agnello and Massa Lubrense means to fill up on views, enjoy the mild climate, dive into the blue sea, and deepen the "double soul" of land and sea of its inhabitants.  

There is no better time of year to comeThe beauty of these places, in fact, lies in the ability to offer something different in every season of the year. To say, Christmas in Sorrento for years now is a real brand that attracts thousands of visitors.

Perhaps, however, the very high turnout of the summer months may suggest coming in late spring (April and May) or between the second half of September and the first ten days of OctoberThese are the moments when you can fully enjoy the places without any inconvenience. To be seen!
