Area: Croazia

Ferries to Stari Grad

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Ferries to Stari Grad

Stari Grad


Founded in 384 BC by the Greeks and Dionysius I of Syracuse with the name Pharos, since 1205 it is known as Civitas Vetus ("Old City"); the current toponym - both in Italian and in Croatian - derives from the ancient Latin name. With just over a thousand souls, Stari Grad is currently the third largest town by number of inhabitants on the island after the capital Hvar and Jelsa.

Divided into six settlements (naselja in Croatian), since 2008 the city boasts a World Heritage Site (the "Piana di Cittavecchia"), a Renaissance fort (Palazzo Ettoreo) and some buildings used for worship (among these is the church of San Roccopatron saint of Stari Grad). 

Like the rest of the island of Hvar, Stari Grad also has a lot to offer from a naturalistic point of viewEspecially during the summer, crowds of tourists reach this pearl of the Adriatic to enjoy a day of relaxation between the crystal clear sea and sunny beachesAmong the main beaches of Lèsina we point out LanternaMaslina and BanjIf you prefer gravel and rocks to sand, PaklenaBaba and Zavala are the place for you.