Area: Sicilia

Ferries to Catania

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Catania, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Catania

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Ferries to Catania
Ferries from Catania


Catania dominates the metropolitan area that extends around the slopes of EtnaThanks to the infrastructure of the port and the airport, it is central to the mobility of people and goods in eastern Sicily, with all that this means from an economic and social point of view.

From the historical-cultural point of view, however, the city is famous for the prevailing Baroque style of palaces and monuments: from the Cathedral of Sant'Agata, to the Palazzo degli Elefanti, passing through Porta Uzeda to the Church of the Badia di Sant'Agata., the traces of the Sicilian Baroque (protected by Unesco) draw the historic center that develops around Piazza Duomo.

However, to define Catania architecturally in addition to the Baroque there is also the Art Nouveau style with which, at the beginning of the 20th century, many residential buildings were built. A few hints, able to partially explain the historicity of places whose origins date back to the ancient Greek, and above all Roman age. 

The other aspect that makes Catania fascinating is the warmth of its people. The folklore around here, living every day in the fish market (La Pescheria, Piscariain dialect) and once a year, but with incredible transport, in the celebrations dedicated to the patron saint Sant'Agata.

Finally, mention is made for pastry and  street foodCatania is famous for its confectionery tradition and for the challenge on the arancino (or "arancina") with the chief expert of the region, Palermo.