Area: Costa istriana

Ferries to Pirano

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Pirano, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Piran

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The ports of Pirano are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Pirano
Ferries from Pirano


In the millenary history of Piran there are three important caesuras that help to understand the evolution of the territory: the end of the secular Venetian domination which lasted from the 13th to the 18th century; the exodus, in 1954, of the Italian populationthe independence of Slovenia in 1991, the first among the people's republics of the former Yugoslavia to be called out of the federation built by Marshal Tito.

Three macro-events that, between fractures and continuity, explain the singular mix of Italian and Slavic culture that characterizes the civil life of this city, and more generally of the entire Istrian coast, including that of Croatian relevance.

It is no coincidence, therefore, that Italian continues to be spoken in Piran , despite the fact that the Italian population now totals a few hundred units; Nor is it by chance that the town planning and architecture of the historic center retain numerous traces of the Venetian influence , which has shaped local customs and traditions so deeply. Independence, on the other hand, has allowed the recovery of traditions put on the sidelines during the socialist experience: first and foremost, the cult of St. George , patron saint of the city.

Coming up to date, tourism is the main resource, even if the seafaring vocation and the salt extraction activity continue to generate income. Therefore, the contemporary face of Piran is that of a purely summer resort, easily accessible from both land and sea. In the latter case, the maritime connections from Trieste have further increased the number of visitors with positive returns for the local economy. 

Special mention for Portorož (Portorož, in Slovenian)This fraction of Piran, in fact, is famous both for the presence of the Airport and the Grand CasinoThis latter aspect has made it possible to partially seasonally adjust tourist flows, making the city attractive even in the low season.