Area: Costa istriana

Ferries to Trieste

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Trieste, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Trieste

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The ports of Trieste are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Trieste
Ferries from Trieste


62 million tons of goods handled in one year. It would be enough to mention this data from 2017 to underline - where it was still needed - the leading role of the port of Trieste in the context of commercial exchanges that take place in the Mediterranean and between Europe and Asia"Free port" at the behest of Charles VI of Habsburg, over the centuries the port area of ​​Trieste has constantly changed its face, and this to keep up with the times.

A challenge with modernity that, in hindsight, continues to this day: maintaining a record, after all, is not easy. Nonetheless, Trieste appears to be more than equipped to face new adventures. Among these, coping with the huge cruise traffic “inherited” from Venice, which could represent an interesting market in which to invest important resources.

The wealth of Trieste, however, is not limited to its port. The city has always been a prestigious Central European salon (the famous Caffè San Marco, one of the best known in the Julian capital, was frequented by writers of the caliber of Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba and James Joyce, just to name a few). Trieste, a border city, is also a crossroads of different peoples who have been able to coexist peacefully.

The success of this integration can be found not only in the presence in the city of places of worship other than Catholic ones, but also in the Trieste culinary tradition, which includes Austrian, Hungarian dishes and so on.